We offer world-class online learning delivered by internationally recognized instructors.Wherever you are in your journey, and wherever you are in the world.
You’re busy building something that will make a lasting impact in the world.
You need help in-the-moment and you can’t afford to wait or waste time.
Don’t worry, that’s why we built this place.
Courses on the Social Enterprise Institute platform are designed just for you: short, to-the-point, created to solve problems, and accessible online whenever needed.
Access the world’s largest collection of courses designed for social enterprises today.
Our courses cover all the foundations for starting or growing a social enterprise. You can search and filter topics by the following topic categories in our course store. Click below to hear more information about each topic.
Developed by international experts, we’ve put together foundational online training packages in a range of subjects. For each program you can access an e-learning bundle, take the full online certificate, or opt for a more personalised online learning and coaching experience. Featured programs include:
This program provides you with the foundational learning needed to plan, measure, communicate and grow your social impact.
This program provides you with the foundational learning needed to plan, measure, communicate and grow your social impact.
Technology is causing a revolution in the way we learn. It is making learning increasingly affordable, relevant, and accessible. E-learning has become the perfect fit for social entrepreneurs.